Well, the weather forecasters got it right! We woke to a blizzard and a covering of snow on Thursday The girls weren't very impressed as we had to cancel our plans to visit our friends.

We went up to the big garden

New plants in the polytunnel still need water.

Reuben and Rosanna found it very funny to find snow in the 'bonfire'.

First snow for the hens.

Snowdrops long gone, but plenty more Spring flowers emerging.

A quick science lesson on the trampoline:
Imogen found it really difficult to bounce on the trampoline.
Is the snow adding to or resisting her weight?

Off we went for a walk up the 'doggy' footpath.

The horse ran to meet us, hoping to be fed.

I love the view at the top of the hill.

Horizontal snow lashed our faces on the way back down the hill.

Back home, a welcome warm up and time for hot chocolate biscuit dunking,

and dippy eggs!
What a beautiful snow! How strange to have it now though. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times! I hope you will join us again this week!