I usually write our activities as single blog posts, but this post is a full week.
We started the week with some formal work. I always feel that on a Monday morning we have to do some proper work! For maths we looked at factorisation and composite numbers. Jemima then wrote some more of her story and Imogen did some on-line literacy activities.
Then off we went to the Home ed singing group. They are learning some new songs for a summer concert. Geoff met us and off we went to get the chickens.

We started Tuesday, with a picnic snack in the polytunnel.

Geoff was at work, so it was up to us to look after the chickens.

and we found our first egg!

The first egg!

Making pancakes with our first chicken egg.

After spending the morning and most of the afternoon in the garden, the girls had to get their French homework done for Wednesday. They had to write a letter in French.

Wednesday morning we spent ages watching a robin make a nest. The nest is in the conifer, just across from the flag.

Then out came the playdoh. Reuben has really been into Bob the builder this week. He's busy with the vehicles making cement and roads!

While Reuben and Rosanna played with the playdoh, the girls made flapjack. The reciepe is from the Flora website and is heart healthy. It's important that children learn from an early age about healthy diets.

Low in fat, but very sweet. In goes the golden syrup. The girls spent ages chatting about the density and viscosity of the syrup, wondering what it would be like, or if you even could, float on a river of syrup!

In go the ingredients.

Mima's Flapjack ready for baking.

and Immy almost ready!

Two batches was just not enough.

Time to go and check the chickens...

but Lady Gaga had escaped and made her way through several gardens, to end up on the road.

We managed to get her in the polytunnel and leave her there until Geoff got home.
Back to the house, just in time for friends to arrive for our weekly french.

Problem solving with Daddy.
How can we make a chicken feeder out of these pots and saucers?

Rosanna's got the answer.
Thursday we went to the home ed swimming session and Friday was the monthly home ed meet at monkey buisness.

More flowers appearing in the garden, Primroses.



and loads and loads of snowdrops.

I thought it was very hot on Saturday, so I sent the kids out in T-shirts and gave them mango smoothie lollies. They were soon shivering and asking for coats. Luckily we've got the polytunnel, so we all went in there and it was so warm.

Group hug, well almost!

Past the barking dogs and down the hill.

I love this photo, is so tricky getting a photo of 4 children all looking the right way and smiling at the same time.
and then on to see the ponies and chickens at the farm next to our house.

We love the miniature ponies

Checking out the chickens at the local farm.

We returned from our walk, to find Geoff lovingly watching the chickens taking a dust bath in dry soil from the polytunnel. He had also turned over some of the earth and put in a log and some leaves, so they could have a good scratch around. It felt so nice to see the 6 chickens busy in their pen, foraging and bathing. They have rewarded us with 1 or 2 eggs EVERY day! I'm so glad we got them, we all love them, I even get text messages from Geoff checking to see if they are ok.

At the weekend we met up with friends at the mining museum. The men took the older children down the mine on a tour. Mum's stayed above ground and had a long chat, great therapy!

The pit ponies were very popular.

Talking to Rosanna on the old mine phone.

Rosanna really loved the telephone in the mining museum.

Sunday evening, sat in the polytunnel listening to the rain, drinking hot chocolate.

My newly adopted patch of garden.

Geoff's newly dug vegetable patch.

Perfect end to a perfect week!
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