Our home education journey began back in 2007, with Imogen, Jemima and Reuben. Rosanna joined us a couple of years later. Our home educating journey lasted nine years. Some of our memories here on the blog. When Imogen got to 14, she returned to school to do GCSE's. She went on to do A levels and is now at university. After Imogen went to school, Jemima became lonely and she joined Imogen at school. This left Reuben and Rosanna at home. They missed their big sisters and home education became more difficult for me. I became tired and made the decision that home education wasn't the right thing for our family. Reuben and Rosanna started school. Here we are again, like the rest of the country, home educating our children:
A second year university student
A beauty apprentice
Y8 student
Y5 student.
Over the past few days, I've really enjoyed looking at our blog. I'm hoping to blog our new home
education journey. A record of life in 2020.

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