Tuesday 20 November 2012


We made gloop, 2 parts cornflour to one part water.

Roll some of the cornflour into a ball in your hand, 
as soon as you stop rolling it acts as a liquid and runs through your fingers.

Pinch and punch the mixture, it feels differently when you apply pressure to it.

It's really therapeutic, rolling, pinching and then letting it run through your fingers.

Even the dinosaurs enjoyed it!

Cornflour is made of lots of long, stringy particles. They don't dissolve in water, but they do spread themselves out. This allows the gloop to act as both a solid and a liquid. When you roll the mixture in your hands or apply pressure to it, the particles join together and the mixture feels solid. But if it is left to rest or is held up and allowed to dribble, the particles slide over each other and it feels like a liquid.

1 comment:

  1. my kids love this activity but I hate the powdery mess it leaves behind. I feel like I'm cleaning it for days LOL would love it you shared this on our #kidsinthekitchen linky http://lookwhatmomfound.com/2013/09/baking-biscuits-with-the-kids-kidsinthekitchen.html



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